Monday, February 14, 2011

Scout's Journal - Entry 1

It’s been an exciting few weeks this summer. A new boy came to town. His name is Charles Baker Harris, but Jem, my brother, says that’s far too big a name for him, so we call him Dill. Dill is round about my age and is staying with our neighbor, Miss Rachel. She is his aunt. He is little and talks too loud but I reckon he’s alright. He sure has some crazy stories. He says he don’t have a father. Imagine! How can a person claim not to have a father, I wonder?

We told him about the Radley’s place. He had never heard the story, I reckon it’s because he’s not from around here. We told him how Mr. And Mrs. Radley’s son, Boo had gone mad and stabbed his mother with a pair of scissors and how they kept him locked away in the house ever since. He comes out at night to eat cats. And sometimes you can see his giant footsteps in the yard.

I didn’t care to talk about it but Dill and Jem kept right up about it. Dill dared Jem to touch the Radley place. Jem has never been one to turn down a dare. He did ti and ran back looking mighty scared. We didn’t talk about it but I knew he was. I didn’t want to say it but I was awful scared myself.

Well, its getting late, but I promise to write soon diary.
